Casino Good Luck

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There's absolutely no proof that charms, clothes, casseroles, or Teddy Bears can influence your luck at the casino. However, people who feel lucky and happy seem to have a much more enjoyable wherever they go and whatever they do. If carrying a lucky charm or performing a little ritual while you play makes you feel good, then go right ahead. They are believed to attract luck to a player. There are many beliefs that players have about what items will bring them good luck and what actions will be beneficial to them. Given below is a list of a few superstitions which are believed to bring good luck to the player while gambling.

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Gambling can be an extremely frustrating endeavor. There are times when it feels like the odds are stacked against us and our luck has run out. There are many things you can do to increase your chances for success, no matter what type of gambling you are participating in. If you are feeling down and out, try incorporating some of the following items and rituals into your daily routine.

The Power of San Expedito

The patron saint for those who need rapid solutions to their problems, this is the perfect saint to call on when you need to improve your luck. Wear a San Expedito medal around your neck or carry one in a mojo bag to keep his powers close to you. Carry a San Expedito prayer card in your pocket when gambling. Light a San Expedito candle and recite the following prayer to invoke his will:

I call forth the Power and the presence of San Expedito in my time of financial trouble. I offer my body, heart, mind and soul upon your altar of light. I have faith and trust and complete confidence that you will be my strength in this time of need. Quickly come to my assistance.


Bring to me ____________ (Clearly express what you want, and ask him to find a way to get it to you.)

My financial need is urgent. Be my Light and Guide in this situation so that I may live with peace, love, prosperity and abundance and in the Praise of God.


Dab a few drops of San Expedito perfume onto your wrists and neck before gambling to help increase your odds. Wash with San Expedito Bath and Floor Wash for good luck in gambling and games of chance.

Oils and Perfumes For Luck and Gambling

Widely used in rituals and spells, magic oils are potent aids in luck and gambling. Oils can be worn on the skin or used to anoint candles. Some magic oils associated with gambling are Black Cat oil, Lucky Lottery oil, Has No Hanna oil, Winner oil, 7/11 oil and Chypre oil. Use these oils in conjunction with the Black Cat candle or Fast Cash Mojo candle to increase their strength. Anoint your candle and recite the following prayer:

I invoke thee,
Gods of abundance,
Draw money and luck towards me,
May abundance flow freely in my life,
Now and forever.

Similar to magic oils, scented perfumes and colognes offer luck and improved odds to those who wear them. Sandalwood Cologne, Jockey Club cologne and Atlantic City cologne should be worn by men looking to increase their gambling success. Women who want better luck in the lottery and while gambling should wear Saint Expedito perfume, Vencendor perfume or Espiritu de la Suerte perfume.

Using a Gambler's Mojo Bag

A mojo bag is an important component to your success. Highly personal, a mojo bag should never be shared. It should not be seen or touched by anyone but the owner. Your mojo bag needs to become accustomed to you and your scent. It is important that it is in contact with your skin for the first week you have it. After the first week, it does not need to be in direct contact with your skin, but it is a good idea to keep it close to you. Place it in your sock, pocket or purse to surround you with its magic.

Fill or ‘feed' your mojo bag once a week with items that are related to your goal or desire. When looking for assistance with gambling, fill your green mojo bag with a good luck charm, such as a Gambler's Talisman. Dab the four corners and center of your mojo bag with a magical oil or cologne, such as Hoyt's Cologne, every week to keep it powerful.

Your mojo bag can be dressed with sachet powder to improve its potency. Big win casino game. Lady Luck sachet powder, Lucky Hand sachet powder, Winner Sachet powder and Gambler's Sachet powder are all excellent choices when trying to increase your odds at the casino or track.

Nature's Good Luck Charms

Nutmeg Herb is used in money drawing luck charms. Carve a hole in the nutmeg nut. Fill the hole with quicksilver and seal closed with the wax from a green candle. Add the nutmeg and three silver coins to your mojo bag and carry it with you when you gamble.

Queen of the Meadow Leaves are said to bring good luck to those who use them. Add a pinch of these powerful leaves to your mojo bag. Another way to incorporate them into your gambling ritual is to make a body wash with the leaves. Add 4 ounces of queen of the meadow leaves to a gallon of water. Let the leaves soak for seven days. Add a pint of the mixture to your bath water. Soak in the bath and allow the magic of the leaves to cover your body. You can perform the same ritual using fresh vencedor plant.

The most famous of all voodoo roots, High John the Conqueror Root helps to remove all obstacles in ones path. Carry this root in your green mojo bag for good luck and to draw money to you. Lucky Hand root has similar properties and can also be added to your mojo bag. These roots can also be anointed with Gamblers Oil or Winners Oil.

Create An Aura of Success In Your Home

Surrounding yourself with luck is an excellent way to create an aura of success. Washes such as High John the Conqueror bath and floor wash, Sandalwood bath and floor wash, Gamblers Big Al bath and floor wash and Winner bath and floor wash can all be used to attract good luck when gambling. Mop your floors with any of these washes before you head to the casino to cleanse your home and improve your chances.

For a quick dose of added luck, spray Sandalwood spray or Espiritu de la Suerte perfume into the four corners of your home. Reckit's blue squares and lucky blue balls can be added to a bucket of mop water with Florida water and Holy water to cleanse your home of bad luck and negativity.

Astrology & Gambling Luck

I have always been a student of Astrology, for over 14 years now… Reading my horoscope in the newspaper, to buying and applying Julia and Derek Parker Parkers Astrology. I've also always been a Gambler. From Casino slots and table Games to Scratch tickets at the Corner store.

Some years back, I began asking my self how my passion for Astrology could help my Gambling. IN other words how could I use I knowledge of Astrology to indicate to me when I would be lucky enough to gamble and to win? I've always also been a very spiritual person. I believe in a higher power, Help from the other side, and the energy of things. So, I began to study more…to find out just how much I could influence a big Jackpot win, or a great payday at the Black Jack table at my favorite Casino. Here are my findings.

#1 Your Natal Chart Luck

YOur Natal Chart is a 'Frozen' snap shot of the planetary bodies and their positions at the time you were born. YOur natal Birth Chart, as it is also konw…is based on the following….

  • The city your were born in
  • The country you were born in
  • The time you were born
  • YOur Day & month and year of birth

This is all basic Astrology information, for doing any type of Astrology Reading.

Were you Born Lucky?

Your Natal Birth Chart, provides a synopsis of how lucky you will be in life, and in what area, or 'sphere of life' as it is said in Astrology. For example; Some people have a lot of luck in things involving money, some…love…some Spirituality, others, Creativity…You get the idea.

Some people are born with an abundance of 'Luck & Ease' While others 'May have more 'Stress & Strain.' The important thing to note is where the 'Areas of Luck', are and where the 'Areas of Ease.'

Based on my experience reading Astrology charts, I know now that some people are just born 'Natural Lottery Winners.' Factor in the right timing, and the right Transits (astrology planets that are moving today and their location) and whammo! You have a 'Lottery Winner!' So, the question is…Were You Born Lucky?

#2 The Luck You don't know about

Many of us are missing out on the day-to-day luck of the planetary Transit's. I refer to Astrology once again, only this time I am not talking about that 'Frozen' luck you were either born with or not. I am talking about the movements or 'aspects, planets make to each other every single day. Every body especially heavy gamblers should learn how to read astrological transits for every day Luck, Guidance & opportunity. Knowing how to understand Astrology Aspects and the Lucky or unlucky relationships (Aspects) they are making to each other each day can help a person in many endeavors besides gambling luck too.

  • …When to Gamble Lotto, Casino, Black Jack
  • …When not to Gamble
  • …When to hold a business meeting with the high likely hood that things turn out in your favor
  • …Go shopping for deals and discounts
  • …Trade Stocks
  • ….When or When not to hold an important discussion with your boss or spouse

Lets face it not every day is a good day, and not every day is lucky for every person. That's because the luck of the heavenly bodies changes every day. Daily Astrological planets (transits) are one of the 'keys' to using astrology to make a move in your favor or to plan a day that is profitable…and lucky!

#3 The Luck you create, 'common Luck'

The luck you create is every day common luck. For example….

Clever ways to say good luck. Going on a chatline or dating website if you are single and want to meet someone new

When it comes to playing lotto, buying that extra set of tickets to beef up your chances.

Visiting the casino 8 times a month instead of just 4. I call this 'common luck.' Its easy, and it really doesn't work…; well it hasn't worked for me…which is why I study luck….

#4 'The Luck you Vibrate'

I specifically saved the best for last! 'The Luck you Vibrate' is one of the most, overlooked, under though of, most powerful, forms of Good Luck, we all have and were all born with. Have you heard the word 'manifesting' before?

Crazy Luck Casino Log In

I hope you have because there has been a lot of buzz about manifesting, but there has not been that much buzz about manifesting good luck. I began my journey as a master manifestor, June 5, 2014. I discovered my manifesting powers much out of desperation and a desire to create the life I desired. So, I started conducting some experiments….

You can manifest Good Luck!

…In my many experiments with manifesting and tapping the power of my vibration, I discovered that you can manifest Good luck. I began conditioning my Aura to unblock my abundance, and attract good luck in all areas of my life.

Good Luck Casino Sayings

  • I now know that I am lucky
  • I have tripled my income
  • I don't worry any more about life or stress
  • I know I am in control of my destiny.

I hope this article was enjoyable to read. You can visit me on my other blog to order a Good Luck Report. at

I coach clients to help them unblock their abundance to have more luck and opportunity. To set up a coaching session email me

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